Lohiloinen aiheuttaa toimenpiteitä melojille Norjassa

Norjan ruokavirasto (?) on antanut ohjeita muutamalle lohiloisista vapaalle joelle toimintaohjeita melojille. Kalusto pitää todistetusti olla desinfioitu ennen joelle menoa.
Rajoitukset koskevat Rauma-, Driva- ja Vefsna jokia latvusvesineen. Linkki alkuperäiseen tiedotteeseen: https://www.facebook.com/notes/npf-teknisk-komité-elv/ban-on-rauma-driva-and-vefsna-information/257834741023032
Alkuperäinen tiedote:


9 May 2013 at 09:51
In 2013 there is a partial restriction on kayaking in all three rivers. This ban also includes side rivers and upper stretches of rivers within the entire watersheds. This means that rivers like the Grøvu in Oppdal and Susna in Hattfjelldal comes in under the ban.
The ban is effectuated as of 2013 and is issued by the Food Department of Norway. It thus falls under Norwegian law: This means you will be fined if caught kayaking without proof of disinfection, no matter if you are Norwegian, Russian, Italian or any other nationality. The department has stated that there will be controls.They have also stated that if they do catch kayakers not following the restrictions listed below, they WILL ban these rivers entirely from whitewater kayaking for many years to come.
Gyrodactus Salaris, the salmon parasite that is spreading throughout Norwegian watersheds, is the reason for the ban. It gets spread by kayakers, fishermen and everybody else who carries contaminated water in between the rivers.
To be allowed to kayak these rivers, you mush carry proof of disinfection of kayaks and gear with you. There are different ways of organizing this:
1.    You buy the disinfection tablets Virkon S that dissolves in water and then has to be applied to your gear and kayak after all kayaking in these infected rivers. These you can buy for cheap (even in Norway) at the Felleskjøpet stores (The farmer´s store) all over the country.
2.    You use one of the disinfection stations that are normally situated at the gas station in the closest town to the infected river. They will give you a receipt for the disinfection. Some places this can be rather expensive though, so always ask the price BEFORE you go kayaking. If you are not willing to pay, and do not have Virkon S, then DO NOT KAYAK in the infected river!
The Norwegian Paddle Federation is working closely with the Food Department on how to handle the situation. As of today they are working on an easily distributed information and disinfection system for international and national kayakers. If you want to stay updated on how this work is progressing, and the status of kayaking in these banned rivers, then follow the open group NPF – Teknisk Komitè Elv on Facebook.
Please help us show the world that kayakers can be responsible, cooperative and considerate so that we can keep paddling these amazing rivers also in the future.

FOR MORE INFO E-MAIL Øivind Kleppe: oakleppe@padleforbundet.no